Wild buffalo died for being a ‘hero’ to rescue wild dogs from lions

When seeing the wild dogs being attacked by lions, the wild buffalo quickly rushed to attack the predator. However, it is this that puts it in danger and eventually dies before the clutches of the “lords of the grasslands”.

The African buffalo is one of the largest herbivores in Africa. Although this is one of the lion’s favorite prey, the “lord of the steppe” often faces many difficulties to defeat the buffalo.

To hunt this large prey, lions will have to hunt in groups and work together to separate the prey from the herd, then join forces to defeat and eat the prey. Occasionally, an adult male lion can knock down a large African buffalo without assistance, but this is not often the case.

In many cases, when the number of individuals in the African buffalo herd is superior to that of lions, they can even protest, fight against lions, causing lions to run away, even lose their lives.