Seeing that a leopard is about to kill her baby, the mother wildebeest runs to ram the predator into the air and save her baby

A mother cheetah has ventured to hunt alone, leaving her only cub at home. It means that it has risked both its own life and the baby but because of the food, let the mother know that it has no other choice.

The cheetah is endowed with a super speed of up to 120 km/h, but in return, it does not possess the power or weapon to kill its prey as effectively as other carnivores. The jaw structure is small and weak, the claws are not strong enough, and the endurance is low, causing it to quickly lose strength.

Although this time, the mother leopard chose the prey that was just right for her, which was an immature antelope. It succeeded in catching up and knocking down the baby wildebeest, but an unexpected event caused all the efforts to be poured into the river into the sea.

The mother antelope rushed forward bravely and courageously with instinctive love for her baby, it sent the carnivore who was about to kill her baby into the sky. Not only that, the sharp horns also hook into the abdomen of the enemy and make the cheetah panic.

Too suddenly, the cheetah received enough lightning attacks of the mother antelope and had to run away, it suddenly remembered that the child who was alone at home might be in danger and had to give up the failed hunt to protect the baby. protect children.

Although one side was a cannibal and the other was a cannibal, both mothers did all they could to protect their babies. This time, the mother antelope has won and the leopard hunts the mother and the baby will have to starve.

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