Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Hippos are large animals, ranking as the third largest land mammal today, after elephants and white rhinos. They can reach 3.3 to 5 m in length and up to 1.6 m at the shoulder. The average female weighs about 1,400 kg, while the male weighs between 1,600 and 4,500 kg.

As Africa’s fiercest animal, the hippo’s jaws can crush one or two crocodiles about three meters long. Their ferocity is stronger than any large animal. They have an average weight of up to 1.5 tons and their teeth have the strength of a large sledgehammer.

This dramatic clash was recorded in the Maasai Mara National Park (Kenya). In the clip, a lioness is approaching to attack a hippo sleeping in the meadow. When it discovered this was a formidable opponent, it turned and left.

The appearance of the stranger immediately woke the hippo. While the lion was caught off guard, the hippo suddenly charged and attacked the lion with a bite to the head and slamming to the ground.

Before the enemy’s surprise attack, the lion was completely passive and could only react weakly. In the end, it was lucky to escape death when the hippo gave up the attack and moved in another direction. This is definitely a life lesson for lions when intending to quarrel with hippos.

Watch the video here


By Admin

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