Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Wildebeest are herbivores that live mainly in the lowlands and open woodlands of Africa south of the Sahara. In addition, the black wildebeest is native to the southernmost regions of the continent. They often forage in large herds to protect each other from predators.

The unfortunate wildebeest separated from the herd will immediately be targeted by predators such as lions and jaguars.

First 1, then 2 lions surrounded the wildebeest. The gazelle still dominates, it takes 1 step forward and the lions have to take 2 steps back. The thought of overwhelming the hunter in pride, suddenly 3, then 4 lions appeared to surround the wildebeest.

At this time, even if it “crossed its legs” and ran, it would not be able to escape the “heaven la earth hammock” of the lions. The oldest lioness in the herd jumps onto her prey’s back and pulls it to the ground. At the same time, the whole herd of lions rushed to kill the prey immediately. Wildebeest quickly became a hearty meal for hungry lions.

Watch the video here

By Admin

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