Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

In the clip, a zebra is being knocked to the ground by a lioness. It was thought that death would come to it, it was only a matter of time, when the zebra suddenly stood up and counterattacked fiercely.

However, just seconds later, the zebra was knocked down again by the lion. Despite being bitten in the neck by a hunter, the zebra uses its strength wisely at the right time. From the passive position, it leads to the active position and puts the lion in a difficult position.

As a result, this impressive confrontation the zebra escaped and the lion not only lost its prey but also suffered a painful blow.

The zebra is a very special breed of horse that lives in the savannas and savannas of Africa. Unlike its brothers, the zebra has a black and white coat, arranged in stripes from head to toe.

They are the lion’s favorite prey but also the prey that is not easy to catch. Not only that, zebras also have an extremely effective self-defense weapon when running, which is a kick from the sky that can make any predator be wary.

According to the calculations of biologists, despite being in the same horse family, the kick of a zebra compared to a horse is usually much stronger. This force of impact is enough to break the jaws of a crocodile, lion or some common African hunter.

In fact, it has been recorded that a zebra can kill a male African lion weighing 280 kg with a single kick to the body.

By Admin

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