Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Images taken by Kenyan wildlife photographer Shazmeen Hussein Bank, 33, at Maasai National Reserve in western Kenya show the zebra’s internal body spilling from its stomach after The animal was bitten by a crocodile in the water.

“It was 1pm and we were sitting on the banks of the Mara River in November. A few zebras were hanging around looking like they wanted to cross the river. They got down and started drinking. Suddenly, I saw an underwater crocodile approaching a zebra. Zebras are very intelligent. They see dangers from years of crossing the Moroccan River. But it’s not clear why a zebra was standing deep in the water and the crocodile came to it,” photographer Shazmeen said.

All was silent for a few seconds and then a loud sound and then suddenly the death battle began. The zebra fell when it was bitten by the crocodile. It tried to fight back, trying to run under the water to escape to shore. Despite escaping, the zebra was bitten by the crocodile and lost part of its body.

Crocodiles crawl up to the shore with the flesh of their prey.

The photographer admits he was hesitant about publishing images of the bloody hunt, but said he wanted to show people the reality of the natural world. “This is nature. This is the truth. I will always remember this moment,” he said. “I hope there will be more experiences like that because although it’s not very romantic, that’s the wild life.

As a photographer, these are the moments that are worth sitting in the sun anticipating what will happen, Shazmeen shares.

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