Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

The hawk is also known as the falcon or falcon. This is a bird of prey with a sharp curved hook-shaped beak, rather long, wide wings and extremely strong legs. They are known to be fast-flying birds, which can reach a dive speed of 320km/h.

As the most intelligent bird in the world with perfect eyesight reaching 20/2 (about 8 times that of people with good eyesight), hawks rarely miss their prey.

Its favorite hunting scenario is usually to suddenly rush from a hidden hiding place on high to below, aim straight, attack in a moment that makes the prey unable to react.

Discovering that the mother hen and the chicks were wandering around looking for food, a hawk immediately swooped down to attack.

However, this reckless action caused it to receive a beating from the mother hen. In order to protect the chicks, the mother chicken did not care about the danger but rushed to decide to lose with this formidable opponent.

After cornering the hawk into the dirt wall, the mother hen continuously launched pecks and kicks in the face of the opponent. At this time, the hawk can only lie down on the ground and raise his legs to defend himself.

The mother hen became even more aggressive and belligerent when the two pulled each other out to a nearby lawn. As a result, due to not being the opponent of the mother hen, the hawk was easily defeated.

Watch the video here

By Admin

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