Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

An amateur photographer in Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park recently captured an extraordinary confrontation between an old male lion and a female buffalo – and it was one of those terrifying battles. the most terrifying to wildlife we have ever seen.

What greeted him was the sight of a bloody male lion with his talons hooked into the muzzle of a buffalo. “What follows can only be described as an epic battle between two gladiators fighting to the death. The battle plays out the same way you would see two heavyweights fighting for the world title. After three minutes of inning, both giants would stand and stare at each other waiting for the other to make the first move,” said Armstrong-Ford.

The lion As the dominant male of a proud population, the lion has been looking worse in recent weeks, losing weight and possibly suffering from a skin disease. He had separated himself from the rest of his pride a few weeks earlier.
In this weakened state, the buffalo proves to be an undefeated opponent. “After each round you could see both fighters getting weaker and weaker and by round seven both were finished. That’s when the whole herd came to the rescue and one male buffalo, like a referee. , has come and ended the game. let’s fight,” Armstrong-Ford wrote.

Wounded and exhausted after losing the battle, the lion managed to drag himself under a nearby bush to recover. Initially, it looked like he would survive the fierce encounter as he was seen following another (this time successful) hunt the next morning. But sadly, this did not happen. He was found dead just a short time later, most likely from the buffalo’s internal wounds.

The buffaloes saw that the lion had no strength left and was dangerous to them, so they spared the lion and went away in glory.

Watch full video here:

By Admin

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