The curved horn of the sable antelope caused the best predator to run into the lake to escape

The clip shows a lioness stalking an East African black antelope. It can be seen that with its outstanding speed and strength, the lion easily gets the upper hand when it comes to grabbing its prey from behind.

It seemed that this would be a smooth hunt with the lion, but the black antelope showed that he was not one to give up easily. It tried to use its curved horns backwards to stab the lion’s body.

Because the lion was trying to control its prey by jumping on its back, it was pierced by its sharp horns. Finally, after a struggle, the lion had to let go of its prey before jumping into a nearby lake to escape.

Meanwhile, the East African black antelope still did not run away but stood there, pointing its horns towards the lion as a reminder that it is always ready to make any challenger pay.