The baby warthog screamed pitifully in the mouth of the fierce lion.

Two French photographers Laurent Renaud and Dominique Haution captured the true survival moments of animals at the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.

A series of impressive photos show close-ups of two lions rapidly pursuing a wild boar. The lion discovered the wild boar stopping to drink water near them. Immediately, the lions chased the piglet and used their mouths to grab the prey.

The two photographers said that although they felt sorry for the tragic fate of the baby wild boar, it was the brutal reality of the rules of life in the wild.

This is also a rare sight of lions hunting. Normally, female lions are responsible for hunting for the whole pride while males are mainly responsible for protecting and maintaining the territory. However, during this hunt, the female lion missed her prey and the male lion was the one who chased and caught the wild boar.

The lion’s hunting performance is reminiscent of the friendship between a lion and a wild boar in the famous animated film Lion King. Simba the lion roamed, befriended the wild boar Pumbaa and Timon the weasel, living a free life until adulthood. That deep friendship left a deep impression in the hearts of many viewers.

However, real life showed a completely different scenario, lions quickly chased and ate wild boars to survive.