Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

The mongoose is a member of the mongoose family, averaging 0.45 kg and 50 cm long.

Despite their small size, in fact, carnivorous mongooses, known as opportunistic and excellent predators, are capable of provoking their prey with their good hearing and foresight. so they feed quite easily and grab their prey quickly thanks to their sharp teeth.

Their favorite prey are termites, grasshoppers, crickets… but can also be rodents such as mice, rabbits, or small birds. They are also capable of hunting other carnivores such as jackals and venomous snakes.

The mongoose not only does not run away, but actively rushes to attack the opponent very quickly. This “primary humane” action was effective when it bit the lizard’s snout and neutralized this sharp weapon.

When the mongoose just let loose to attack, the lizard’s opportunity came. It attacks quickly towards the enemy and at least once causes the mongoose to suffer. However, after that, the civet bit hard on the iguana’s snout and this time the iguana had to run away first.

By Admin

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