Lions Risk Their Lives To Stop Hippo From Frantically Chasing Tourists

A hippo chased by lions across the road suddenly turned to attack a car in a South African park.

The lion’s hippo hunt was recorded by Dean Grant while visiting Kruger National Park in South Africa, according to Earth Touch News.

In a video shared by Latest Sightings channel on YouTube on November 3, gluttonous lions take turns attacking hippos. In the middle of the attack, the hippopotamus suddenly rammed its head into a car parked nearby.

Hippos have fangs 50 centimeters long. Despite their sluggish build, they can move surprisingly fast. This animal is considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.

Lions rarely attack adult hippos. The park security guards were surprised to hear Grant’s story. “Although we’ve visited the park many times over the holidays with our family, we’ve never seen anything like it,” Grant said.

“Lions don’t want to put themselves at risk of injury when they attack large mammals. In my experience, lions usually choose the easiest prey, and hippos, elephants, and giraffes are probably the easiest to hunt. definitely not in this category,” said Mike Watson, director of the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy.

However, the hippo in the video is somewhat unlucky. “The scene ended when the hippopotamus ran down a deep trench by the road. The lions took turns attacking the hippo and tearing its thick skin while the others lay in the shade taking a nap. “, Grant recounted. When Grant and his family returned later that afternoon, the lions were sleeping after a full meal.