Impressive moment: 100 baboons ambush a leopard to rescue baby baboons.

During a jeep tour of a South African wildlife reserve, experienced park ranger Solomon Ndlovu and his tourist had a thrilling experience witnessing a fierce confrontation. Drama between a leopard and a group of baboons.

When they discovered a leopard hiding in the bushes, Ndlovu and the tourist turned off the car’s engine so they could observe this wild animal carefully. However, the peaceful atmosphere was quickly broken by the disturbing cries of a group of baboons moving towards them.

Realizing the danger, the leopard quickly switched to fighting mode. It moves to a hiding position and patiently waits for the opportunity to attack. When the group of baboons passed through this area, the leopard suddenly rushed out and quickly defeated a monkey.

However, the leopard’s victory only lasted for a moment. The group of baboons, angry at losing their kin, attacked the leopard together. They rushed to bite and chase the leopard, forcing it to leave its prey behind.

Ndlovu shared: “Even though the leopard has got its prey, it cannot resist the power of the whole group of baboons. After the monkeys leave, the leopard will probably come back to take back its prey.” me”.

This incident is a testament to the harshness of the natural world, where animals always have to fight to survive.