Impala ran close to the tourist car hoping to escape, but the cheetah was still determined to kill it in front of the tourists

This is an incredible moment, many visitors witnessing a cheetah stalking and knocking down an Impala shortly after it chased more than 200m into a sighting BMW. The video was taken by tourists in Kruger National Park, This unbelievable scene happened at the Gasanftombi junction, near the Crocodile Bridge.

Initially, the tourists were stopped by the guide to watch the impala grazing in the field, for first-time visitors, this moment is wonderful.

But they did not know that these impalas were in danger, behind the tall trees there was a cheetah lurking looking for an opportunity to catch the prey.

When attacked by the cheetah, the quick-witted impala ran straight into the tourist group, thinking it could escape this time, but the cheetah was determined to turn back to drag its prey to a safer place.

Watch the video here