Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The humped boar is a species of wild boar in the Pig family, order Even-toed. Its defining feature are two pairs of fangs protruding from its mouth and arching upwards, capable of causing serious injuries. Like some other species of the same family, the fangs of the humpback pig are used not only for digging, but also for fighting with other pigs, as well as against predators.

An interesting video captures a jaguar hunting wild boar and almost successfully taking down its prey after a fiery encounter. With the strength and tenacity of the hunter, the jaguar successfully knocked the boar back to the ground, and began to use its sharp teeth to take its life.

However, when it was close to victory, suddenly a hyena appeared out of nowhere, causing the jaguar to lose focus for a moment. Before the precious opportunity, the wild boar used its last breath to get up, quickly escaped the jaguar’s grip and suddenly charged back at the hunter with its sharp fangs.

Too surprised by the pig’s aggression, the jaguar hastily jumped to avoid it and retreated to the back. The lack of concentration made it pay the price when the prey quickly escaped successfully.

Watch the video here

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