Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

The clip was recorded in a swamp area near the Crocodile River located in Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Just hearing the name of the river is enough to understand that the “boss” of this area is definitely not a lion. In freshwater areas of Africa, crocodiles are the terror of all species because of their giant body size and sharp teeth with terrible bite force.

Any prey that wanders around the crocodile’s territory must meet a deadly end, including notorious predators. The victim will either drown in the water or be torn apart under the sharp teeth of the crocodiles.

Yet, the lion just ignored everything because of its empty stomach. In his mind right now there is no greater fear than the fear of starvation. Therefore, even though it knew it would face many risks, the lion still blatantly entered the crocodile’s territory to compete for its prey.

After a while the two predators played a game of tug of war, at which point the crocodile homeowner lost patience. It frantically turned around, using its amazing strength to pull the prey away with the intention of leaving, leaving the hungry and aggressive lion alone.

However, the lion does not give up easily. At this point we can see how muddy the lion is as it continuously clings, shows a growling attitude, and threatens the crocodile.

Unfortunately, the crocodile had to carry its prey to the mainland to open another path for itself.

This decision was the turning point of the battle. Because of his hot head, the crocodile made the mistake of leaving his forte in the swamp to crawl ashore. The hungry lion successfully used the strategy to provoke the general. When competing in their forte, lions become stronger than ever. This brought victory to the lion, the crocodile had to watch helplessly as someone else took his meal.

By Admin

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