Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Dramatic video filmed in Masai Mara National Park (South Africa) shows the moment of struggle between life and death of a wildebeest before the death of a crocodile.

In the video, the wildebeest can be seen crossing the treacherous river to keep up with its herd. However, when the animal was exhausted and trying to climb the rocks, behind it suddenly appeared an adult crocodile.

The cold-blooded predator immediately grabs the antelope’s hind legs when it exposes many openings. However, the subsequent efforts of the prey caused the crocodile to face many difficulties.

Although wildebeest are gentle herbivores, often choosing to run away instead of using force, they are naturally endowed with extraordinary health. Faced with a dangerous situation, the antelope, as if awakened by instinct, struggled and used all its strength to move forward.

However, crocodiles are not amateur predators either. It tries to snuff out any hope of the antelope, by pulling its prey into deep water, then submerging the victim.

What happened next was an extremely intense “life and death battle” between the two animals. At one point, the wildebeest was almost completely submerged, with only its head remaining out of the water.

Obviously, crocodiles have the advantage in size, as well as terrain. However, wildebeest once again showed extraordinary will and strength as the “ice” moved forward, despite the ferocious predator still clutching behind.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the crocodile changed position and loosened its teeth, the wildebeest jumped out of the water, and narrowly escaped death.

By Admin

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