Buffalo fight with 2 lions for 5 hours and the wild buffalo’s sudden rise to escape

This incredible scene was recorded at the Londolozi wildlife reserve, South Africa. In the video, a wild buffalo is being violently attacked by two lionesses. Immediately after, it countered by using its sharp horns to knock one of the two predators into the air.

With their bravery, the pair of lions then knocked the prey to the ground. However, due to their inexperience and young age, the 2 aggressive lions still could not deliver a fatal blow to finish off the buffalo.

Finally, after more than 5 hours of being torn apart, the buffalo suddenly stood up and made a spectacular escape from two fierce predators.

Lions are animals that often live and hunt in groups. When hunting, lions also follow the herd under the main lead of the lioness. Each lioness will have a unique role in the herd. Such a positional distribution helps them hunt larger prey such as wild buffalo, wildebeest or even giraffes.

Despite being dubbed the “lord of the jungle”, possessing an excellent set of hunting skills, lions are not always advantageous when hunting. Even, if not careful, the hunter also has to pay a heavy price with his own life.

In fact, the African buffalo has never been an easy opponent for any of the creatures here. With large body plus sharp horns, wild buffalo is ready to gore any animal that intentionally threatens its life.

Watch the video here