Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Hippos are semi-aquatic, semi-terrestrial, inhabiting the rivers, lakes and mangrove swamps of West Africa where males dominate a section of river and lead herds of 5 to 30 females and calves young.

During the day, they immerse themselves in water or mud, to retain heat. They come ashore at night to eat grass. Although hippos rest close together in the water, feeding is a solitary activity.

Two hippo mother and son went ashore to feed, unfortunately went too far, were discovered and disturbed by the hyenas. The hyenas are not strong enough to directly confront the hippo, can only bite, nibble bit by bit.

On the contrary, the mother and daughter hippos did not have their own kind around, so they became more timid and did not dare to resist the attack of the hyenas.

Discovering the tourist group is near, the hippo tries to follow the crowd, hoping for help. However, the hyenas are not interested in the presence of humans, continue to find ways to attack the hippos.

Watch the video here

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