Although the lion is the “lord of the grasslands”, when it enters the water it has no chance of winning against the crocodile. Fortunately, the lion’s agility helped him create an extremely spectacular escape from death

This scene was recorded at the Sabie River in Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Before that, the lion decided to cross the river and without knowing it had fallen into the crocodile’s sights.

Waiting for the lion to swim out into the middle of the river, the crocodile immediately chased after him and immediately took the bait.

Waiting for the lion to swim out into the middle of the river, the crocodile immediately chased after him and immediately took the bait.

Once close, the crocodile immediately attacked.

Fortunately for the lion, although the crocodile’s bite was accurate, it was not dangerous so it still struggled to escape.

The crocodile tried to drown the lion.

Finally, the lion escaped death.