Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

Discovering a cougar infiltrating a residential area to hunt, two large Pitbull dogs rushed to attack. One bit the head so that the leopard didn’t have a chance to fight back, the other bit at the back. The cougar was eventually killed by two Pitbulls.

Pitbull is a famous dog breed for its aggression, muscle and tenacity, so it is also known as a cold-blooded killer or a warrior dog, a gladiator…

Meanwhile, the cougar is an adept hunter with top skills such as being able to run at a speed of 50 km/h, jump 6 m from a standing position, jump 2.5 m high, and sharp claws. sharp can stretch.

The cougar normally hunts large mammals, such as deer and elk, but also eats small mammals such as beavers, porcupines or mice, if hungry.

They hunt singly and ambush their prey, usually from behind. They kill their prey with a bite on the back of the neck to break the opponent’s neck. The carcass of prey normally is then hidden or partially covered to protect them for a few days, while the cougar roams and will return to eat again when hungry.

By Admin

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