Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Footage recorded by tourists at King’s Pool Wildlife Park (Botswana) shows two large male lions swimming across the Linyanti River on the border between Botswana and Namibia.

At first, the larger male lion was hesitant to step into the water, but when he saw his younger brother plunge first, the larger lion also accepted to follow.

When he was about to reach the other side, the smaller male lion was suddenly attacked by a crocodile and drowned in the water.

Realizing his brother was attacked, the larger lion immediately jumped on top of the crocodile, causing it to lose its bite force and had to release the smaller lion. After escaping from the crocodile’s jaws, this lion immediately returned to the riverbank.

Meanwhile, the crocodile turned to grapple with the larger lion and the two disappeared from view. Visitors who witnessed the incident feared that the larger lion had been killed and eaten by the crocodile, but they later discovered it had climbed in time to climb the reeds on the other side.

By Admin

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