Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Any mistake has to pay even the cost of life, that is the fierceness of wild nature. Watch a short clip recording the encounter of an impala and a lioness at the Masai Mara reserve, Kenya.

Although the antelope was able to outrun the lioness after a basic run, it nevertheless made a fatal mistake. The forte of the impala is the zigzag jumps in the running. This technique helped it escape many times from the hunter, but this time it was different.

The antelope’s zigzag jump over the hay this time was a jump of a lifetime, it was that jump that made it submit its life to the lion’s clutches.

Jumping over the dry grass, it landed right on the slope of a hole. The impact on the uneven terrain caused it to lose momentum, slipping and lying in place.

After a painful fall, the antelope struggled to get up to run away. But as soon as it got up, it was time for the lion to chase it. Immediately, the predator bit the animal’s throat so that it could not escape anymore.

Watch the video here

By Admin

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