Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Lions are the most social of all wild cats. Whether hunting or defending, lions are never alone. They like to work in small groups and use skill, strength, and speed to take down their opponents.

In many cases, when the number of individuals is overwhelming, lions have to risk their fate as in the situation recorded by a tourist at a nature reserve in Tanzania (East Africa) below.

The clip shows the lions “setting up their troops” and attacking the zebras from many different directions. While those in the back are quite safe because they only need to chase their prey, some are in a dangerous position, right in the running track of the zebras.

Usually, these will be individuals who act as “links” in the hunt, as they will ambush at key points and attack zebras where they are not expected. However, if unlucky, these lions can completely be seriously injured, even die.

Typically, in the clip, a lion made the wrong decision and missed its prey. As a result, it was constantly subjected to hammer-like kicks from the herd of zebras. However, the animal was lucky to escape death and tried its best to get out of the direction of the herd. In return, the hunt of the lions was successful when they defeated 2 zebras.

Watch the video here

By Admin

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