Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

It is a fact of nature that it can be brutal and obnoxious at times, but it will always be fascinating. What many hunters want to witness is a direct murder. Be it a leopard stalking an alligator or an alligator ambushing a drinking wildebeest, witnessing a scene like this is no doubt adrenaline pumping.

If you’re lucky enough to have your camera turned on and in the right position at the time of the action, you can relive the footage over and over again without you ever knowing it, you could cause network storm!

Continuing the video we see a lion trying very hard to dig through the ground to hunt a warthog hiding in its den. It seems that it has been digging for a long time but is still determined to hunt with its prey because of its hungry stomach.

The lion used his sharp claws to dig continuously for two hours. It finally has its fruit. At any moment the lion had caught the warthog by the neck and pulled it out of the ground.

With a large body and sharp teeth, the prey can only stand and cry in vain. when the lion had completely defeated the warthog, suddenly a hyena appeared from behind.

but at this time it also does not pay attention to the hyena because the prey is so big that it cannot eat it all by itself, so let the hyenas come and tear the prey.

Watch full video here:

By Admin

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