Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

On the African savanna, the lion is king, and their pride represents primordial authority over the smaller beasts. Sometimes, however, their authority is challenged. When a lioness tries to take down a zebra, the zebra decides that it won’t take down without a fight.

At first, the outlook looked dire for zebras. When a lioness bites a zebra’s neck to crush its trachea and sever its major arteries, the zebra appears resigned and helpless.

Suddenly it had a strong fighting spirit, it got up and kicked the lion with its feet repeatedly. But because the lion bit the artifact back and forth, it couldn’t hold out for long, and the object fell to the ground.

The zebra is not resigned to such an unfair fate, it fights fiercely and cannot be defeated so easily.

Once again, he was determined to stand up and fight for his life and his children and teammates.

After a long struggle with the lion, the zebra gained the upper hand and pressed the lion down there and bit him repeatedly.

he knew he couldn’t fight the lion for long, so he decided to run away, but the lion still followed the zebra a few steps, but it couldn’t bite where the prey was so the zebra succeeded escape death.

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By Admin

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