Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

The recorded image shows a cow being chased by a fierce tiger in the park. After running away for a while, the cow actively turned around and rushed to ram the opponent’s chest. Anticipating the intention of the prey, the tiger immediately stood up straight, used his front paws to hold the opponent’s head and then bit into the neck. Seconds later, it was able to knock the cow to the ground.

Although the bull stood up to counter the attack, but in the end, the bull was still killed by the tiger with a fatal bite.

In the wild, tigers are among the top carnivores. They are known as the king of the jungle and rarely have natural enemies.

When hunting, tigers approach their prey stealthily, taking advantage of trees, bushes, and rocks to hide and rarely chase their prey from afar. When the prey is in sight, the tiger will aim at their neck, then fly to grab it to cut off the ill-fated animal’s spinal cord. With the inbuilt swimming ability, tigers can fully utilize the nearby waters to submerge their prey.

As for larger prey, they often bite into the throat and use their powerful front legs to hold the prey firmly, while wrestling it to the ground. Tigers still bite the neck of their prey until their target dies of suffocation.

By Admin

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