Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

“Oh my god, the dog’s still alive.” That was the reaction of a female tourist in the tour group when coming to Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe when she witnessed with her own eyes a wild dog named Notch pretending to be dead to escape the clutches of a hungry lion in an instant.

The entire video was recorded by guide Calvet when leading the group to visit the wildlife park. Here, the group encountered a pack of wild dogs who had just finished eating an antelope. However, they are all in the sights of a hungry lioness without knowing it.

The hungry lion lurks and then suddenly swoops in and grabs a stray dog in the pack. As soon as the lioness grabbed the dog, the dog suddenly lay motionless. Many people in the group also thought that after the bite to the neck, the animal was dead.

Not long after, a stray dog from the pack approached. The lioness leaves the old prey unfinished to rush to the new target. Suddenly, the wild dog pretended to be dead, got up and quickly escaped. This action surprised the guests. No one thought it could fake death for so long.

After the lion’s attack, staff at Hwange National Park said both wild dogs were healthy. Now, the wild dog Notch has become the leader of the pack.

By Admin

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