Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Wildebeest are native animals of Africa. They are herbivores and often travel in herds, sometimes combining with zebras in large groups. In the wild, their main enemies are lions, hyenas, cheetahs, leopards and crocodiles.

Like other feline species, lions are superb predators and key predators thanks to their abundant prey populations. When hunting alone, they kill their prey by biting the neck to break the neck or damage the circulatory system.

In this video, the wildebeest deliberately approached while the pale lion was eating cannibals in the shallow river. The lioness was extremely annoyed with this teasing.

After a moment of hesitation, it decided to speed up and capture the antelope after a few seconds of chasing. Right after that, the lord of the grasslands quickly finished off his stupid prey.

Watch the video here

By Admin

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