Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

In the dry season every year, the humped pigs often spend a lot of time hiding in earthen burrows. Although this is not a bad way to avoid the heat and hide from predators, it sometimes brings trouble, even danger to their lives.

Because, just for predators to find out where to hide, any humpback can lose their life, because they have little chance of escaping while in the cave.

In this rather interesting video, the leopard is trying to dig a burrow for a humped pig, the prey is quite large, so the cheetah tries to have a good meal after long days of not eating meat.

Finally, after hours of digging, the cheetah caught the prey by the neck and dragged it to the ground. The bite on the neck causes the prey to suffocate and unable to resist.

Watch the video here

By Admin

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