Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The lion’s trump card is herd hunting. The success rate of a lioness hunting is 1/5, while, if hunting in groups, the success rate is up to 1/3.

Hunting in packs is the best way to amplify strength and size. This helps lions can hunt prey 6 times larger than them and that is buffalo.

Buffalo is a large prey, it weighs up to 700kg and has horns up to 3 meters long. and not afraid to use the horn to attack.

In the wild, buffalo is the species that harms lions more than any other species. Therefore, hunting wild buffalo needs a methodical plan. The lions will follow a strategy of waiting for the right moment to attack their prey.

Attacking lions are like a professional football team with each one having a separate mission during the hunt. The lions on both sides will hunt for the flanks, then one of them will attack, while the ones in the center will strike to finish the prey.

The attack is opened by closing in from the wings, they will try to separate a buffalo from the herd. The rest of the lions will keep the prey active to reduce the strength of the opponent.

But before the buffalo realized its mistake, it was surrounded. and now the lions will strike the finishing blow. But to take down such a large prey, it is necessary to add the strength of the male lion. In the end, the buffalo was quickly defeated.

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