Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The antelope knows that there is danger in the still water from the crocodile’s electric snap, but because the water is scarce, it has no choice but to venture to the riverbank.

As the favorite prey of crocodiles, the antelope is also highly alert and the instinct of the prey has helped it react in an instant to escape the crocodile’s terrifying bite.

Although when ashore, they seem slow and not dangerous, but when underwater, it is a real killer with a swimming speed of up to 32 km / h and a terrible bite of 13,172 Newtons (1,342 kg of force). some large ones can be up to 2,500 kg and bite force is 2.6 million kg/m2

They can bite at a rate of 50 milliseconds, which is why escaping this bite is a miracle and extremely lucky. Therefore, antelope’s extremely sensitive response can be considered the most spectacular escape in the animal world.

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