Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

Over large spaces in grasslands, gazelles can run at speeds of 70 km/h. Despite such a fast running speed, this antelope still faces threats from cheetahs.

Fortunately for antelopes, they have very sensitive senses and very quick bodily reactions when they know they are being attacked. During the chase, the antelope often changes direction, making it difficult for predators.

At the beginning of the video, While wandering around looking for food, the Gazen antelope suddenly fell into the sights of a hunting leopard. Immediately, the predator rushed in pursuit and caught a baby antelope.

Witnessing the sight of Gazen antelope being hunted by a leopard and preparing to eat it, a baboon recklessly rushed to distract the hunting leopard so that another monkey could come and rescue the baby antelope.

After rescuing the young Gazen antelope, the baboons together turned to chase the predator, causing the cheetah to flee.

By Admin

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