Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

In the clip, a pronghorn antelope is being attacked by four leopards. Not standing still and dying, the antelope decided to struggle and run away to escape. However, every time it tried to run away a few steps, it was controlled by hunters and knocked down.

After a while of struggling, the pronghorn antelope was exhausted and could no longer resist. As a result, it became a meal for 4 cheetahs.

The pronghorn antelope (scientific name Antilocapra Americana) is one of the fastest running animals in North America. They can run at speeds of more than 85 km/h, outpacing coyotes and bobcats. Pronghorn antelopes mate in the fall and breed in the spring, usually with one or two offspring per litter. Juveniles can run faster than humans when they are a few days old.

Meanwhile, cheetahs are famous for their speed and agility, making them successful hunters. They can sprint at a speed of 120 km/h to catch prey quickly. Cheetahs rely on eyesight to detect prey from afar and use speed to ambush them.

By Admin

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