Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

When hyenas hunt an animal larger than themselves, they act like a dog or a wolf. It is using the power of the majority, surrounding, and then causing the prey to panic and make mistakes.

In most cases, this tactic will make it easier for them to take down their prey. However, there are still animals that know how to take advantage of the terrain and advantages to keep alive.

In a video filmed in the Maasai Mara National Reserve (South Africa), the antelope can be seen, despite being surrounded by hyenas, but still knows how to effectively fend off.

According to a tourist, the antelope was chased by a pack of hyenas, and thought it was going to face death. While in danger, the antelope spotted a lake nearby, and decided to jump in. Perhaps, it thinks this action will cause the hunters to give up.

Indeed, due to its short body structure and low head, hyenas have no advantage in flooded areas. Meanwhile, the antelope, with its sharp horns and long legs, is always ready to head towards any hyena if they intend to approach.

Not only that, the antelope’s rear kicks also make the hyenas clamor even when they sneak behind.

After a while of trying, the hyenas still could not reach the antelope. They decided to give up because their prey did not seem to want to leave their shelter.

Dubbed the “queen of the savannah”, hyenas belong to the group of the most feared hunters in the grasslands of Africa, and perhaps second only to lions.

One of the reasons the name “queen of the steppe” was given to this animal is because the leader of the hyena pack is not a male, but a female.

With inherent cunning combined with herd strength, hyenas have always been a constant threat to other animals. When encountering them, the animals will tend to shyly retreat to preserve their lives.

In many cases, these sharp, cunning predators also actively follow lions, leopards …, and then take their food to survive. If there is a clash with these animals, hyenas also rarely die because of their reckless nature, sharp teeth and overwhelming the opponent in number.

In addition, hyenas also have some special abilities such as tracking and using scavengers like vultures to locate successful hunts.

However, the clip above also shows that when needed, hyenas can completely hunt on their own without having to rely on their “feeding” habits.

By Admin

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