Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Lions are often called the “lord” of all creatures not only because of their proud nature, but also because of their dominance and what they will do to take down any opponent.

In a video clip recording the clash between lions and hyenas, it can be seen that although there is no intention to hunt, the lion still clearly shows the intention to finish off the ill-fated enemy.

Normally, hyenas will use the majority to their advantage, to intimidate and suppress the enemy even when they face dangerous predators such as lions, leopards, crocodiles…

However, in this case, not a single hyena dared to stand, but they ran away, despite the unfortunate victim’s screams because of being knocked down by the lion.

Thinking it would surely die for daring to steal the food of the “lord” of all species, the hyena in a lucky moment when the lion loosened its teeth, immediately seized the opportunity to escape. , and run away.

The above encounter between lions and hyenas is considered extremely rare in the wild, because usually, lions will be the underdogs because hyenas almost always capture their prey thanks to overwhelming numbers.

By Admin

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